Here you will find curriculum material including research guides, lesson plans, reading lists, primary sources, web links, as well as contributions from Springfield Technical Community College students.
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Curriculum Resources
Items in this section include curriculum material such as research guides, lesson plans, reading lists and other information related to utilizing this site in your own classes.
The Idea of Pluralism in the United States [PDF]
How To Develop Your Own Pluralism Project [PDF]
Website Curriculum Topics [PDF]
For Teachers [PDF]
Student Research Guide [PDF]
Internet Research Guide [PDF]
Internet Curriculum Resources [DOC]
Suggestions for Further Reading [DOC]
Our Plural History Bibliography [DOC]
Springfield Technical Community College's Library Resources [web link]
A guide compiled by STCC library staff that highlights library resources related to pluralism in the United States, with a focus on immigrant and ethnic groups in the Connecticut River Valley of western Massachusetts.
Web Links
Springfield Technical Community College Library
Jones Library Special Collections, Amherst, MA.
Springfield Armory
Springfield Museums
Pioneer Valley History Network
Dr. Suess National Memorial Sculpture Garden at the Springfield Museums
The Raid on Deerfield: The Many Stories of 1704
Pamela Patrick White Studio
George Howe Art
Library of Congress
Springfield, MA City Library
The African-American Experience: Springfield City Library
The Immigrant Experience: Springfield City Library
Springfield College Archives and Special Collections (Babson Library)
PVMA/Memorial Hall Museums
American Centuries
Massachusetts Historical Society
Rokeby Museum
Boston Public Library, Norman B. Leventhal Map Center, Boston, MA.
Digital Treasures
Wistariahurst Museum
Puerto Rican Cultural Center
Armenian Library and Museum of America
Underground Railroad Websites
Here you will find a list of websites related to the Underground Railroad in Massachusetts and across the United States.
Exploring Western Massachusetts: Through the Past, Into the Future
A site dedicated to providing historic artifacts, ephemera, and links concerning local history.
Student Contributions
Read student immigration stories, view images from Springfield's diverse past, and examples of student research on the topic of Pluralism.
Primary Resources Archive
Access historical documents, images, maps, and artifacts related to the theme of pluralism.
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